Integrative Medicine Options for Preventing & Managing COVID-19

Several of you have asked about integrative or complementary medicine options for managing COVID-19. Unfortunately, no integrative measures have been validated in human trials. We do have some information about how this and similar viruses work. Using this information, I can offer a bit of guidance.  As always, speak to a health care provider about your specific needs. 

1. Get enough sleep - Our bodies need time to rest and rejuvenate. Rest supports immune function and brain health. Dr. Andrew Weil offers several tips here to help you fall asleep naturally.

2. Stop stressing - This is easier said than done. Some of us are already grieving for the loss of loved ones and livelihoods. Self-care is incredibly important during this time. Some of my favorite stress-reducing activities are meditation and using Headspace. Check out this great meditation by Linda Hall.

3. A bit about zinc - There is some evidence that coronaviruses may be susceptible to the actions of zinc. The typical daily dosing of zinc is 15mg – 30mg with lozenges potentially providing direct protective effects in the upper respiratory tract. Talk to your doctor before starting. Zinc can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and organ damage at high doses.

4. Eat your veggies and fruits - Flavonoids in vegetables and fruits help to decrease the inflammation responsible for some of the symptoms of COVID-19.  Last I checked, there was plenty of produce at the local grocery store.

5. Our old friend, Vitamin C - Like flavonoids, this helps with inflammation. The dose for this typically starts at 500mg. Sweet yellow peppers contain an average of 137 mg of vitamin C per half of cup.

6. Elderberry, a mixed review - There is some evidence for elderberry use in influenza. There is also limited evidence that it stops a different type of coronavirus from reproducing. Based on this, it may be helpful in prevention. The virus causing COVID-19 is new and there is not enough data to say for certain if elderberry will help in this case.   I do recommend stopping elderberry if you developed COVID-19 symptoms. It can activate the immune system and this may WORSEN the health of those infected with this coronavirus.

Jessica Orner